Your Vote, Your Voice: Power in Education

Dr. Howard Fuller Collegiate Academy 4030 N 29th St, Milwaukee, WI 53216

Empower your community and strengthen education by making your voice heard in this election. Your vote is your power - use it!

#DoTheMath Social Media Day of Action

Developed in partnership with Agency, #DoTheMath is a social media campaign intended to raise awareness of public school choice. There are enough charter school parents – both nationwide and in […]

Social Media Video Series: “Our Vote, Our Future”

Black and Latino educators and community members can share why voting matters to you and why it should matter for elected leaders and presidential candidates! We'll share your videos on […]

Youth Voter Engagement: “Next Generation Leaders”

1637 Britton StMemphis, TN 38108

Register High school and college students learn the importance of voting, especially in local elections impacting schools.  Register to vote. The Last Day to register is October, 21. 2024.