News from Jay: March 2024

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Dear FCCS Family, 

The month of March is the starting point for what is expected to be a very complicated and interesting political season. The complexity of what is at stake and what voters will have to discern as issues that hold the greatest significance is unknown. That’s why, at FCCS, we advocate for prioritizing education as the catalyst for civic engagement.

True transformation of education demands an embrace of inclusivity and a departure from the one-size-fits-all model. We must reconceptualize public education to encompass a spectrum of options, amplifying the voices of Black and Brown voters who are seeking the optimal educational opportunities for their children. This necessitates investment in proven solutions such as Black and Brown-led charter schools, which not only narrow the opportunity gap for students of color but also deliver high-quality education universally.

The recent signing of the FY2024 budget by President Biden reflects an acknowledgment of the advocacy by Black and Brown-voting parents for diverse and quality public school options. Maintaining the level funding of $440 million for the Charter School Program (CSP) is a significant achievement, that will enable more leaders of color to establish and grow charter schools in communities of color. 

Fostering greater diversity within the education sector is imperative. This involves creating pathways for people of color to enter classrooms and establish better school options for students. FCCS’s Leaders and Lawmaker Series ensures elected leaders continue including diverse voices at the decision-making tables. The next stop in our series is Connecticut, where we’ll bring charter schools, community partners, and lawmakers together to discuss the pressing solutions needed by communities of color.

We hope to see you at our next Monthly Policy Forum on April 4 – you can sign up here. We’re excited to have Courtney Hughley from NACSA join us to discuss how as authorizers, HBCUs can build on their historical legacy of transforming K-12 education. We’ll discuss NACSA’s new report that examines the potential for HBCUs to make high-stakes decisions about who can start new public schools, what outcomes those schools should meet, and what to do when adults fail students.  

Across the country, there are bright spots where schools and organizations are ensuring students of color have access to good public schools. We’re thrilled to announce our newest school affiliate, Detroit Academy of Arts and Sciences, and our newest partnership with the Houston Education Coalition! We’re proud to be their partner in advancing a more equitable public education system that serves ALL students, regardless of zip code. Learn more about the benefits of becoming an FCCS Affiliate and consider joining us today

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We firmly believe that by joining forces, we can achieve a greater impact within charter school communities and the broader public education system on behalf of students who need better schools the most.


Jay Artis-Wright
Executive Director