Our Kids Can’t Wait for the System to Fix Itself—It’s Time We Take Control

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Written By Jay Artis-Wright

As a parent of two Black children in public schools, I’m watching this election closely because I know what’s at stake. Education is one of the most important issues we face as a nation, yet it often gets sidelined in political conversations. We can’t afford that any longer. Our kids deserve better. The time to act is now—both in the voting booth and beyond.

Recent presidential candidate discussions and debates have made it abundantly clear that neither political party has offered real solutions for our struggling K-12 system. As Rebecca Grose pointed out, our K-12 system is in crisis.  Donald Trump’s focus on banning critical race theory and Kamala Harris’s advocacy for early childhood education fall short of addressing the daily realities families like mine face. 

The pandemic hit Black and Brown students harder than any other group, widening an already alarming achievement gap. Test scores have plummeted, chronic absenteeism is on the rise, and teacher burnout has reached dangerous levels. These aren’t just abstract statistics—they are my kids, your kids, our neighbors’ kids, struggling every day to make it in a system that wasn’t designed to meet their needs.

The reality is stark. While Grose calls for more federal oversight to ensure states don’t lower standards and fudge the data on education outcomes; Recent writings by Dr. Charles Cole  argue that we need something even more fundamental: self-determination.  Dr. Charles Cole hit the nail on the head when he said that we can’t keep waiting for politicians to solve these problems for us. As a mother who has spent my life advocating for my children, I understand the challenges our children face and have learned how to navigate a system that wasn’t built for them.

I recently hosted a voter education event with Jalen Rose, former NBA star and founder of Jalen Rose Leadership Academy, and he made the following statement, “My school has survived for the past 14 years with Republicans in office and Democrats. Education is not a partisan issue.”  That’s the truth. Our children’s futures are too important to be held hostage by partisan politics. And as we head toward the next election, I’m not just thinking about who will be in office for the next four years—I’m thinking about the next generation and what kind of system we are leaving them to navigate.

More than that, we need to embrace our duty to fight for their future, because waiting for politicians to fix it is a losing game.  Our communities can’t afford to sit on the sidelines while politicians debate other issues. As Jalen Rose said at his event, “The reason why people are in Michigan right now is because we’re important, our vote is important.” That’s the power we have- Parents of K-12 students make up 40% of the U.S. electorate, and 93% of us agree that a one-size-fits-all approach to education isn’t working. 

In fact, in a recent Harris Poll, 82% of parents said they would vote outside their party based on a candidate’s stance on education. That means we can swing this election—and any election—if we organize around the issue that matters most to our families: our children’s educational future.  When we vote, we’re not just selecting candidates—we’re sending a message that education must be a priority. And when Election Day passes, our work doesn’t stop. We have to keep advocating, keep demanding, and keep building grassroots movements that push for the kind of change our kids need.  

Why?  Because education is the key to everything else.  Without a strong education system, we can’t solve the other major issues our country faces. Economic inequality , workforce development, climate change, healthcare—none of these problems can be tackled without a strong educated population. Our kids need critical thinking skills, cultural awareness, and a belief in their own potential, not just to survive in today’s world but to shape tomorrow’s.

That’s why education is foundational. And that’s why we need to be loud and clear that if politicians won’t prioritize our children’s future, we will.  This election season, our power   is undeniable. #DoTheMath: 40% of the electorate consists of parents with K-12 students. We know that education isn’t a partisan issue; it’s a life issue. When we step into that voting booth, we’re not just choosing candidates—we’re taking control of our children’s futures.

But it doesn’t stop at the polls. After the election, we need to stay engaged, hold our leaders accountable, and continue to fight for the education our kids deserve. Our children’s future can’t wait for the system to fix itself. We need to be the ones to fix it—and that starts with our votes, our voices, and our determination.  This is how we build a future where every child thrives, no matter who holds office. It’s time to take control.

About FCCS

The Freedom Coalition for Charter Schools (FCCS) is a non-partisan organization that advocates for equitable access to quality public school options for Black and Brown communities as the key driver of economic empowerment and educational advancement.